Stroke Spasticity Videos



Improvements in severe stroke pain, right hand function, etc. after treatment by Dr. Tobinick, 2022

Immediate and sustained improvement in severe stroke pain, right hand function, shoulder range of motion, speech, etc., 3 years after stroke, following perispinal etanercept treatment by Edward Tobinick, M.D., filmed August 15th and September 6, 2022 at the Institute of Neurological Recovery in Boca Raton, Florida.

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Disclaimer: Individual results vary, not all patients respond. Additional doses may be necessary to maintain the clinical response. Treatment is innovative (“off-label”). Terms of Use

Many improvements one year after stroke following treatment by Dr. Tobinick at the INR

Improvements in vision, taste, balance, sensation, spasticity, and cognition following treatment by Edward Tobinick, M.D. Filmed at the Institute of Neurological Recovery (INR®) in Boca Raton, Florida, on September 6, 2022.

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So many improvements following stroke treatment by Dr. Tobinick

“This has changed our lives big time.” Improvements in post-stroke pain, post-stroke fatigue, balance, cognition, speech, swallowing, and spasticity. Perispinal etanercept treatment by Edward Tobinick, M.D. Filmed at the Institute of Neurological Recovery (INR®) in Boca Raton, Florida, on April 26, 2022.

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Aphasia improves after PSE treatment by Edward Tobinick, M.D., 7 months after stroke

Aphasia improves, along with multiple additional neurological improvements, over the 6 week period immediately following perispinal etanercept treatment by Dr. Tobinick. PSE treatment was administered 7 months after a left carotid stab injury caused severe blood loss and stroke.

Filmed at the Institute of Neurological Recovery (INR®) in Boca Raton, Florida, on January 18, 2021. Text, images and video © 2021, INR PLLC, all rights reserved.

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Immediate improvement 8 years after stroke following treatment by Edward Tobinick, M.D.

Immediate improvement in pain and spasticity following perispinal etanercept treatment by Dr. Tobinick more than 8 years after the stroke occurred.

Filmed at the Institute of Neurological Recovery (INR®) in Boca Raton, Florida, on January 14, 2021. “It feels like if I took a whole bunch of pain pills that’s how much the pain is gone right now.”

Text, images and video © 2021, INR PLLC, all rights reserved.

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Speech and hand function improve 4 years after stroke following treatment by Edward Tobinick, M.D.

Rapid and sustained improvement in speech, ability to walk, hand function, foot pain, spasticity, range of motion and swallowing following perispinal etanercept treatment by Dr. Tobinick. Treatment was given more than 3 years after the stroke occurred.

Text, images and video © 2021, INR PLLC, all rights reserved.

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Walking without a cane 10 months after stroke after treatment by Edward Tobinick, M.D.

Walking without a cane 10 months after stroke, with less fatigue, and improvements in cognition and swallowing following treatment by Dr. Tobinick on December 16, 2020, at the INR in Boca Raton, Florida.

Text, images and video © 2021, INR PLLC, all rights reserved.

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Immediate improvement 4 yrs. post-TBI after treatment by Edward Tobinick M.D.

Immediate improvement in central pain, cutaneous hypersensitivity, walking, spasticity and balance following a single dose of perispinal etanercept. Treatment by Dr. Tobinick at the Institute of Neurological Recovery (INR®) in Boca Raton, Florida, on October 30, 2020, 4 years after traumatic brain injury and stroke caused by a motorcycle accident.

Text, images and video © 2020, INR PLLC, all rights reserved.
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Regained the ability to walk after PSE treatment, 3 years after stroke. Filmed and treated January and April 2020.

The INR remains open and is treating patients! Progressive neurological improvements, including regaining, for the first time in the 3 years since his stroke, the ability to get up from his wheelchair and walk, 3 months after first perispinal etanercept treatment by Dr. Tobinick. Filmed and treated with perispinal etanercept at the Institute of Neurological Recovery (INR®) in Boca Raton, Florida, in January and April 2020.

Text, images and video © 2020, INR PLLC, all rights reserved.

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Immediate resolution of stroke pain after treatment, February 12, 2020.

Perispinal etanercept treatment by Dr. Tobinick. Filmed at the Institute of Neurological Recovery (INR®) in Boca Raton, Florida, February 12, 2020.

Text, images and video © 2020, INR PLLC, all rights reserved.

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Improvements after treatment by Edward Tobinick, M.D., 22 months after brain injury due to cardiac arrest

Perispinal etanercept treatment by Dr. Tobinick. Filmed at the Institute of Neurological Recovery (INR®) in Boca Raton, Florida, on January 21, 2020.

Text, images and video © 2020, INR PLLC, all rights reserved.

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Rapid improvement in speech, etc., after treatment by Edward Tobinick, M.D., on 12/31/19

Patient from California after perispinal etanercept treatment by Dr. Tobinick. Filmed at the Institute of Neurological Recovery (INR®) in Boca Raton, Florida, December 31, 2019.

Text, images and video © 2020, INR PLLC, all rights reserved.

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Immediate improvement in post-stroke shoulder pain after treatment by Edward Tobinick M.D.

Immediate improvement in chronic post-stroke shoulder pain and shoulder subluxation. Treatment at the Institute of Neurological Recovery in Boca Raton on March 8, 2019 by Edward Tobinick, M.D. 4K version with subtitles. Text, images and video © 2019, INR PLLC, all rights reserved.

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Improvement within minutes, 17 months after stroke, after treatment by Edward Tobinick M.D., 2/18/19

Rapid neurological improvement within minutes, 17 months after a stroke, after treatment at the INR on February 18, 2019. Treatment by Edward Tobinick, M.D. 4K version with subtitles. Text, images and video © 2019, INR PLLC, all rights reserved.

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Sustained improvements after PSE, 11 years after stroke, treatment by Edward Tobinick M.D.

Sustained improvements after PSE, 11 years after stroke. Treatment by Edward Tobinick M.D., at the INR in Boca Raton, Florida. 4K version with subtitles. Text, images and video © 2019, INR PLLC, all rights reserved.

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Multiple improvements after new stroke treatment, 18 years after stroke

Many rapid improvements 18 years after stroke. Treatment by Edward Tobinick M.D. at the INR in Boca Raton, Florida. Filmed November 29, 2018, 4K version, with subtitles. Text, images and video © 2018, INR PLLC, all rights reserved.

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Immediate improvement in chronic post-stroke pain 2 years after stroke at the INR, Boca Raton, November 20, 2018

Immediate improvement in chronic post-stroke pain 2 years after stroke. Treatment by Edward Tobinick, filmed November 20, 2018, at the INR in Boca Raton. 4K version, with subtitles. Text, images and video © 2018, INR PLLC, all rights reserved.

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Rapid Improvement in Walking, Balance, Tone & Cognition 3 Years After Stroke

From Kentucky to the INR in Boca Raton, Florida. Published July 16, 2018.
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Walking without cane after treatment from Scotland to the INR Boca Raton, April 2018

Walking without a stick (cane) after treatment at the INR! Eddie and his family from Scotland, visiting the INR Boca Raton, on April 23, 2018.

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Many Rapid Improvements 2 years after Stroke, from Iceland to the INR, March 9, 2018

Patient and father, from Iceland, discusses improvements 2 years after stroke. The stroke happened at age 17. Improvements discussed include: spasticity, left neglect, walking, speech, fatigue, and improved ability to swallow.

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From Papua New Guinea, Dancing 2 Years After Stroke, at the INR, January 2018

Click here to see Part 1.

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Immediate Relief of Post-Stroke Shoulder Pain, January 2018

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“I feel happy again!” after Treatment at the INR in Boca Raton, December 2017

Husband discusses wife’s improvement after treatment at the INR in Boca Raton, Florida, in December of 2017.

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From Iceland: Walking & Post-Stroke Pain Improvement 2 years after Stroke at the INR, Nov. 2017

From Iceland, improvement in walking and dramatic reduction in post-stroke pain after treatment at the INR in Boca Raton, Florida, two years after stroke, November 2017. One week phone follow-up appointment is included.

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Rapid improvement in chronic post-stroke pain 3 years after stroke

Treatment at the INR PLLC in Boca Raton, February 2012. Rapid improvement in chronic post-stroke pain, fine motor function of the left hand, and other neurological improvements documented.

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“My leg feels light as a feather” after treatment at the INR, 3 years after stroke October 2017

Family from Melbourne, Australia. Treatment at the Institute of Neurological Recovery in Boca Raton on October 23-30, 2017; almost 3 years after stroke. For further information, please visit

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Improvement in Post-Stroke Pain, Gait, & Vision: from Cameroon to the INR in Boca Raton, July 2017

From Cameroon, Africa, improvements in gait, vision, post-stroke pain, hand function, and sensation starting within minutes after treatment at the INR Boca Raton, 22 months after stroke.
See her phone follow-up video here:

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Family from Mumbai, India to the INR in 2015 & May 2017

Family from Mumbai, India on their second visit to the INR, in May 2017. First visit and treatment at the INR was in November 2015, four years after her stroke. The family discusses her neurological improvement after her first treatment at the INR. Her neurological improvement increased month after month and now has been sustained for 1 1/2 years and counting.

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Sustained neurological improvement 2 1/2 years after stroke, April 2017

Sustained neurological improvement 2 1/2 years after stroke. Treatment at the Institute of Neurological Recovery in Boca Raton, Florida, in April, 2017.

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From Papua New Guinea to the INR Boca Raton: Immediate improvement 18 months after stroke, April 2017

Patient is from Papua New Guinea, where he has been living for more than 17 years. Improvements noted in chronic central post-stroke pain, motor function and balance documented within minutes of treatment, 18 months after stroke. Treatment at the Institute of Neurological Recovery in Boca Raton, Florida on April 13, 2017.

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Rapid Improvement in Post-Stroke Pain 2 Years After Stroke, February 2017

After treatment at the INR in Boca Raton in February 2017.

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Many Improvements after Treatment at the INR 4 years after Stroke, January 2017

Family from Texas visits the INR in Boca Raton, Florida, on January 10, 2017, four and a half years after stroke.

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Immediate Improvement 19 Months After Stroke at 19 Years Old After Treatment at INR in Boca Raton, Florida, in December 2016

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Rapid improvement in hand function after treatment at the INR 5 years after stroke, September 2016

Patient from Georgia has rapid improvement in hand function after treatment at the INR, September 2016, 5 years after stroke!

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Rapid Neurological Improvement including improvement in spasticity 17 years after stroke

Immediate and sustained improvement following treatment at the INR Los Angeles.

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From Gold Coast, Australia to the INR Los Angeles June 2015

Patient and his family flew from the Gold Coast, eight months after his stroke left him with chronic post-stroke pain, spasticity and movement difficulties, that had failed to resolve despite intensive rehabilitation. Treatment at the Institute of Neurological Recovery was given in June 2015 resulting in immediate improvement. The final portion of the video depicts the patient speaking with both Drs. Kim and Tobinick at the INR, describing his sustained improvement through one week.

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Krystal visits the INR in Los Angeles

Krystal traveled from Australia to the INR Los Angeles in February 2015.

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“I lift my arm so high”

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Physician discusses rapid improvement ten years after stroke at the INR

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From Invercargill, New Zealand nearly 3 years after stroke

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Multiple Improvements 5 Years After Stroke

Rapid improvement 5 years after stroke at the INR PLLC in Boca Raton, Florida.

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Speech & Hand Function Improvement after PSE Treatment 3.5 Years After Stroke

Patient from Brazil speaks of his speech and hand function improvement after PSE treatment 3 1/2 years after his stroke at INR in Boca Raton, Florida in July 2015.

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South African Patient After Treatment Years After Stroke at the INR in Florida

Patient from South Africa flew to Boca Raton, Florida, for treatment at the INR PLLC. Treatment was given more than 2 years after stroke.

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Improvement in Apraxia, Aphasia, Pain & Spasticity after PSE Stroke Treatment

Eight months after the stroke, patient experiences improvement in chronic, post-stroke pain, increased range of motion, decreased spasticity, improvement in aphasia, and improved ability to stand from a seated position following stroke treatment at the INR. Patient and family flew from Missouri to Boca Raton, Florida, for treatment in November 2015.

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Immediate Improvement in Chronic Post-Stroke Pain, 3 Years After Stroke

Family from New York, after treatment at the INR in Boca Raton, Florida, in November 2015.

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6 months of sustained improvement after Perispinal Etanercept at the INR, 5 years after stroke

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Bill and his wife Dana traveled from Oklahoma to the INR to receive the INR’ s patented stroke treatment.

Chronic neurological dysfunction produced by stroke and traumatic brain injury has long been thought to be irreversible. A new scientific discovery by the INR, as documented in the video above, now promises to change current thinking about the potential for recovery of function, even years after the acute event.

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Disclaimer: Individual results vary, not all patients respond. Additional doses may be necessary to maintain the clinical response. Treatment is innovative (“off-label”). Terms of Use

A new patented scientific discovery by the INR, as documented in the videos above, now promises to change current thinking about the potential for recovery after stroke or brain injury, even years later.


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